Life's sweeter with the TM6

Users with a sweet tooth can now look forward to high temperature settings that make caramel, honeycomb, lolly pops and other sweet treats so easy to make with the TM6.
Life's sweeter with the TM6

The sweet life

Users with a sweet tooth can now look forward to caramelising sugar thanks to the high temperature settings that make caramel, honeycomb, lolly pops and other sweet treats so easy to make with the TM6.

And you know what’s even better? The integrated pre-clean function makes cleaning up those sticky sweets a breeze.

Sugar mode is available within specific recipes using guided cooking.

From our recipe developer

“This new function makes a technical cooking skill simple and easy for everyday cooks. A bonus is the cleaning mode which makes the usual clean up after caramel so much easier.” Deb, Thermomix Recipe Developer.

Tips from recipe development

The Honeycomb recipe in The Basic Cookbook gives options for ingredient measurements. We found we liked the recipe best when made with white sugar, honey and only 1 tablespoon of sieved bicarbonate of soda. For best results, add your bicarb to the mixing bowl by sprinkling it evenly around the blades, instead of adding it all in one area.

Line a tin with baking paper that extends up the sides of a deep baking tin or dish. We found this gave us a higher honeycomb.

Store in an airtight sealed container, as honeycomb does not like humidity or moisture.

Find the recipe for TM6 users in The Basic Cookbook or at Cookidoo